Valencia Theater Seating - Blog

Valencia’s Most Extravagant Home Theaters

See how Valencia customers configure and decorate their home theatersAs Valencia continues to evolve, so does the production of our customer’s home theater rooms. From themed theater rooms, to swanky LED-lit entertainment zones, here is a look at our favorite Valencia home theaters. These home theater owners incorporated their favorite sports teams


How do I add DIY Stadium Seating to my Home Theater Room?

Everyone who creates a dedicated home theater wants to make it as close as possible to a real movie theater experience. Or, honestly, better. Why go out when you can stay in, right? One of the things that characterizes movie theater seating is that raised-row, stadium-style layout every movie theater has. Most of us have … Read more

Modern Sanctuaries Require Modern Solutions

It’s no secret that churches all over the country are having problems – congregations are dwindling almost everywhere. The fact is, Millennials and Zoomers are the most secular generations we’ve seen so far. They’re not attracted to traditional, heavily ritualized services, and they’re not attracted to the extremely typical layout of traditional sanctuaries. It’s stiff, … Read more

Review: Squid Game

For the better part of a decade now, Netflix has become arguably the most popular form of streaming movies and shows. Though in more recent years Netflix has created their own exclusive series and films – you’re probably very familiar with the Netflix Originals, and like us, always watch the latest releases. A lot of … Read more

Don’t Have the Room Upstairs? Make a Basement Home Theater!

More of us than ever are spending a lot of time at home. Like, a lot. Dedicated media rooms are becoming more and more common among the middle class, which has more people working from home now than ever before. As work becomes remote and we’re sitting in our couches or home offices for 8+ … Read more


Custom Home Theater Seating

Check out our 3D Tuscany Customizer Tool! The long awaited Tuscany Customizer has made its debut … And it’s FANTASTIC!  Finally, you can customize your Tuscany home theater seating using our vast selection of luxury features. Never before has there been a theater chair company that has created a Customizer akin to the likes of … Read more

What are Home Theater Risers?

A home theater riser platform is exactly what it sounds like: a built platform for the back rows of home theater recliners. Why do some people put home theatre risers in their media room? Well, viewing angles, of course! You’ve just spent all this time and money on your DIY home theater – now is … Read more

The Perfect Media Room Furniture is Key in a Great Home Theater

Basement home theaters and dedicated media rooms are on the rise. Heck, even churches are switching out their old pews for modern church theater seating. And since most of us have budgets to consider, many of these are DIY home theaters. The thing is, creating a DIY home theater in your space isn’t that hard; … Read more

What Makes Valencia’s Curved Home Theater Seating Special?

Of all the ways you can customize your choice of media room furniture from Valencia, did you know you can choose between straight or curved rows of seating? You would be surprised at the big differences that can result from adding a slight arc to your rows of multimedia chairs. Curved home theater seats are … Read more

Your Man Cave Doesn’t Have to be Typical

The term “man cave” has been around for a while, but recently the “she-shed” movement has prompted husbands and fathers all over the country to rethink their personal spaces. The mental image of a man cave is pretty cave-y; we usually think of basements or garages “converted” to TV watching spaces. Dark rooms with a … Read more