Home Theater Upgrade: 3 Investments Worth Making

Home theaters at their core are a room of luxury. You’re dedicating an entire space in your home to cozying up on a supremely comfortable media room reclining chair while you and the family kick back after a long day to enjoy your favorite shows and films in peace and quiet. But what if it could be even better? Taking your home theater to the next level is easy. It all comes down to adding onto the experience and taking things up a notch.

Creating an immersive experience in your home theater adds to the feeling of escapism that we get when sitting down with a good book, playing an engaging video game, or yes—watching a movie that keeps you on the edge of your entertainment room couch. Indulge your home theater in decadence with our three favorite upgrades worth making to your theater room.

Raise Your Entertainment Room Recliners Off the Ground

We’ve talked before about raised platforms for home theater seating, but they do so much more than give you a better view of the screen. While yes, risers that media room chairs sit on do offer better viewing angles for those in the back, they also enhance the sound experience, fully optimize the space, and they have some aesthetic appeal happening too.

We’ve all been there before. You’re in your favorite local movie theater seated for a film you’ve been dying to see. And then some 6’4” person comes and sits in the seat in front of you. The movie’s basically been ruined, and it hasn’t even started yet. Don’t let this happen with your luxury home theater sofa. Adding a row of theater room seating in the back that’s raised off the ground with platforms lets everyone have a clear view of the screen while still letting everyone grab their favorite spot in the house.

Having home theater chairs raised off the ground with risers also enhances the sound experience. It’s actually pretty simple—with less obstructions present, sound waves don’t have to fight to reach your ears. When sound waves travel from speakers, they get blocked and obstructed by things in their path like a group of people sitting in the row of three home theater chairs in front of you. With risers, you don’t have to worry about compromising on sound quality if you want to be in the back.

Risers also optimize the space in a small room in an impactful way. By making use of the vertical space, you can fit more seating than you would be able to without incorporating entertainment room seating risers. This is a game-changer for those basement home theaters and gives you an almost limitless number of ideas for basement entertainment room seating layouts.

Home Theater Seating Tailored to Your Needs

What if we told you that you could have a wine caddy that clips on to your home theater recliner? Or a tray to securely hold your food without risking a spill? Accessories for reclining media room chairs take your experience to the next level.

Sure, most high-end theater room sofas feature some kind of storage option. But there’s really no good place to keep a glass of your favorite vintage or set down your night’s dinner while kicking back with a show. And you definitely don’t want to risk staining that white fabric-upholstered home theater seat. Accessorizing your chair gives you possibilities you didn’t even think. No longer do you need to pause the movie to get up and grab snacks—now, they’re right there with you.

Snack and wine holders only scratch the surface too. There’s also tablet holders that attach onto your media room chairs for easy scrolling and web surfing. Now you can look up who that familiar-looking actor is without rummaging to find your tablet. Or if you’re all about those classic theater vibes, clip a cigar ashtray onto your seat and indulge in both of your favorite vices.

An Immersive Theater Room Experience Every Time

You might be fully invested in your movies and tv shows, but what if you could actually feel like you’re in them? Welcome to the wide world of haptic feedback. Entertainment room seats with D-BOX and bass shakers take your experience and drastically change it to be more immersive.

D-BOX uses a network of actuators that make subtle movements that are aligned with what’s happening on the screen. It turns your leather multimedia room seat into a complex piece of technology that gives off gentle vibrations, intense jolts, seat-shattering rumbles, and more to pull you into the show even deeper. It does all of this by taking audio and video signals from the show or film that’s playing and translates those signals into movement. All in all, it’s a pretty neat feature, and it adds an extra layer of dimension to your home theater experience.

Similarly, theater room recliners using bass shakers also take the immersion up. They’re smaller, more affordable than D-BOX, and don’t have the same oomph and driving power as D-BOX does. Which for some people, that’s perfect. Bass shakers convert low-frequency sound waves into vibrations. This usually happens when sound with heavy bass comes into play. When any big, on-screen moments like an explosion or a climactic fight happens, you’ll get hit with some serious rumbles that makes that on-screen action feel that much more intense.

The extra immersion isn’t always for everyone, but it does elevate the traditional home theater experience into something a bit more different. Whether you’re a casual movie watcher or a dedicated cinephile, trying out risers, seating accessories, and D-BOX or bass shakers will transform your home theater into a cinematic masterpiece.