Last year we met @gameroomtheater at our showroom and instantly we knew he was going to have an EPIC media theater! The plan on paper for the room was pretty impressive but nothing prepared us for the amazing results. In fact, his man cave/theater/media room is so epic that the video of his room went viral went Sports Center reposted it! Now sports fans and stars are contacting Valencia in hopes to recreate the magic seen in @gameroomtheater’s home cinema. See his video here: https://bit.ly/3kkeAR0
We got to sit down and ask the master man cave interior designer some questions about his process:
What inspired you to create your media room?
We entertain a lot and wanted a space for our family and friends to hang out in, watch sporting events, gaming, or a movie. Now with pandemic it is all the more amazing having such a space to ‘escape’ to while lots of venues remain closed and this allows us to create the atmosphere at home.

What influenced the themes and decoration of your media room?
My kids and I like to game a lot (I like retro arcade games more and this space serves me well for that). I also installed a few spare screens to create the ambiance of ‘commotion’ the sense of feeling you get when attending an arcade, or even a stadium. We also enjoy family movie nights, and now that the theaters are closed at the time of this writing, it really serves its purpose well for us!
What are some of your favorite gadgets or toys in your media room?
I really love my Elunvision AT screen which allowed us to ‘hide’ the front speakers behind the screen just as you see in a real theater. My favorite gadget is also the holographic fan, which is wifi connected. I can send images or videos from my phone to it and aids in the ambiance of the room.

You mention on your social media enjoying exotic cars, what is your fav super car and why?
I really like Ferraris, the intoxicating sounds, the thrill of speed/ handling and general look of the cars.
What do you like about your Valencia theater seats?
I love that the leather approaches the exotic car feel and look. My wife and I especially enjoy our Tuscany seats with the multiple comfort settings, such as head and lumbar support. Makes for that much more of a comfortable movie/ game watching experience. Most of all I like the red ‘pop’ the seats bring to my blacked out theater.
We are blown away by Hussain’s build, learn more about him:
Hussain’s Instagram: https://bit.ly/3iLOzsN
Hussain’s Youtube Page: https://bit.ly/3mBvNqI